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125th Anniversary of Blundell Park

We are excited to announce our plans to celebrate the 125th anniversary of Blundell Park.

September marks the anniversary of our first game at BP back in 1899, and over the coming weeks, we will be honouring our historic home with content across our social media channels, there will be opportunities for supporters to own a piece of Blundell Park and we hope to be able to announce a special guest speaker evening before the end of the year.

We will also be dedicating our fixture against Bromley on Saturday 21st September to ‘BP125’ as we celebrate our spiritual home on the south bank of the River Humber.

We would like to see as many supporters as possible at the Bromley game wearing their Mariners shirts – either current or ones from years gone by. Fans who wear a Town shirt that day will be in with a chance of winning spot prizes which include vouchers for the Club Shop, Matchday Hospitality and a season ticket for the 2025-26 campaign.

Supporters will also be able to claim 10% off our home, away and third replica kit from Monday 16th until after the game on Saturday 21st September. Season ticket holders will receive an additional 10% on top of their usual season ticket discount on production of their 2024-25 card in the Club Shop. Supporters will also be emailed a way of claiming the discount online.

We will be running a special ticket offer for partner schools of the Grimsby Town Foundation with the aim of filling behind the goal of the Osmond Stand which will house home supporters for this fixture.

We are delighted to announce that John Cockerill – scorer of perhaps the best goal ever scored at Blundell Park – will be our guest in McMenemy’s before the game. Supporters with a hospitality package for that fixture will be able to hear ‘Cockers’ take part in a Q&A with our matchday host and meet the former Mariners midfielder, coach, Assistant Manager and Caretaker! To book a hospitality package click here or email [email protected].

There will also be a commemorative version of The Mariner on sale, full of information and stories about Blundell Park and its rich history and a pull-out poster that will not to be missed!

We look forward to seeing another big crowd at Blundell Park to celebrate the history of our iconic home at the Bromley game.

BP125 is a collaboration between the Club and the #RememberWhenGTFC heritage project.



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