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A Message To All Shareholders – 129th Annual General Meeting

As all shareholders are aware the Company normally holds its Annual General Meeting on the last Thursday of November in each year. As we were not able to meet in person in 2020 the Board decided to hold the meeting in February 2021 in the hope that shareholders would by then be able to attend in person.  Sadly, this has proved not to be the case.

Under the Company’s Articles of Association, the meeting has to be held by the end of February 2021 at the latest. We are therefore taking advantage of the provisions of the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020.  The effect of these provisions means that we can have the meeting without shareholders being present other than two shareholders required to form a quorum under the Companies Act 2006. The two shareholders who will be present to form the quorum are the Chairman and Mr David Roberts.

The AGM will therefore be held at 10am on 26 February 2021. Although shareholders cannot be present, they are entitled to vote by submitting proxy forms. The Notice of the meeting is on the Company’s website ( and a link to the Notice of Meeting is here. In addition, on the same website, there is a Proxy Form for shareholders and the link is here. Please note that the Proxy Form for this meeting is the one named Proxy Form 129th AGM.

As shareholders cannot be present, I thought it appropriate to deal with each of the Agenda items as follows:

  1. To approve the Minutes of the 128th AGM. These will be found at the end of the Director’s Report and Audited Accounts which have been on the website since October last (Reports/Latest Annual Report Tab).
  2. To receive the Director’s Report and Audited Accounts. These are referred to in the previous paragraph. These are factual accounts showing the financial position of the Company as of May 2020 and the financial transactions of the Company for the preceding financial year.
  3. To elect a Director. Mr Jon Wood’s three-year term of office has come to an end and he offers himself for re-election. Mr Stephen Marley’s term of office has also come to an end, but he has decided not to offer himself for re-election.
  4. To appoint Weaver Wroot as the Company’s Auditors and to authorise the Directors to determine their remuneration. This item is the same as for many years past and has always been approved.
  5. Any other business. The Board has received no notice of any matter.

It is regrettable that shareholders cannot be present, but the Coronavirus Regulations do not permit this. It is usual after the statutory business has been concluded to have a general question and answer session so that the shareholders can ask the Board questions about matters affecting the Club. It is proposed that as soon as the Regulations permit we will have a meeting for shareholders to allow them to raise matters which they may have raised after the AGM.

Philip Day



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