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An Update On Change of Control

The Club and the Consortium comprising Tom Shutes, Jason Stockwood and Andrew Pettit are pleased to report that matters relating to the acquisition of John Fenty’s shares and thus a change of control of the ownership of the Club are proceeding well.

The Consortium have completed their due diligence and the Club jointly with the Consortium have submitted the Future Financial Information to the EFL. The next step is for the EFL to satisfy itself on the Future Financial Requirements and thus give its consent to the change. The timescale for this is a matter for the EFL but all parties hope that this will be concluded within a short period of time.

Chairman Philip Day commented, “We have been pleased to work with Tom, Jason and Andrew to reach this stage of the transaction and are hopeful that the EFL will now deal with the outstanding matters without undue delay.”

Jason added “We wish to place on record the assistance we have had from the Club, its current Board and staff with regard to due diligence and preparation of the FFI. Like Philip, I look forward to the EFL making their decision as soon as possible.”


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