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Club Shop End-Of-Season Sale In Full Swing!

We are delighted to announce that the GTFC club shop will reopen its doors on Monday 12th April.

Following the Government’s confirmation that non-essential stores can reopen in line with its ‘roadmap’, the Grimsby Town Club Shop is in a position to open its doors once again to the public on Monday 12th April from 10am. In addition to this, the Mariners Trust bar will be open with an array of sale items and more. 

Below are the opening times for the Club Shop and Mariners Trust bar from Monday 12th April onwards:

Monday – 10am til 4pm (both locations)
Tuesday – 10am til 4pm (both locations)
Wednesday – 10am til 4pm (both locations)
Thursday – 10am til 4pm (both locations)
Friday – 10am til 4pm (both locations)
Saturday – 10am til 2pm (both locations, midday on home matchdays)
Sunday – 10am til 2pm (Mariners Trust bar only)

Ahead of Monday’s reopening, further items continue to be added to the Club Shop’s end-of-season sale, with huge discounts available across the range so be sure to come on down and grab yourselves a bargain. You can browse our online club shop by clicking HERE. In addition, 2020/21 season ticket holders can collect their season ticket cards from the ticket office during the above times. 

Our click-and-collect service will remain in operation from the ticket office doors for the remainder of this week. From Monday 12th April, orders placed online for collection can be collected from the Club Shop from Monday to Saturday and the Mariners Trust bar on Sundays.

In line with current Government guidelines, all those wishing to enter the premises are required to wear a face-covering unless medically exempt. A sanitizing station will be available at the entrance of the club shop and Mariners Trust bar for your convenience. We also kindly ask visitors to adhere to the one-way system that will be in place. 

We look forward to welcoming you back to Blundell Park!


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