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Club Shop Stock Update

An update relating to ongoing stock issues at the Grimsby Town Club Shop.

As a result of ongoing global supply issues beyond our control, the Grimsby Town Club Shop are still awaiting delivery of replica shirts ahead of this weekend’s double discount weekend. 

Season ticket holders and 1878 Club members will still be able to take advantage of the discount available to them this weekend should their requested size or colour not be available. Those visiting the GTFC club shop over the weekend who fit into the above category will receive a voucher to be redeemed once stock levels have been replenished honouring their discount.

Exiles will be able to pre-order their requested sizes/colour online. Orders will be processed once the items in question have been received using code STKTEXILE at checkout via our online club shop from Saturday 13th 00:01 to Sunday 14th 23:59. Please note that online orders made using this code will have proof of season ticket/1878 club membership checked. 

We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused. 


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