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Freeview | The Man Behind The Iron Mast

An exclusive interview with the man who is responsible for delivering the new floodlights at Blundell Park, Peter Wilson.

Speaking on iFollow Mariners, Peter said: Over the past week we have been finalising the installation of the actual gantries, which is around two tonnes of galvanised bespoke metal-work, which includes the safety handrail systems, and the lighting frames. Onto which the 80 LED lights and their electronic drivers are mounted.

“The process to completion now is to finish the final lighting installation on the Youngs TV gantry, that will be completed and powered up on Monday.

“Also on Monday, we have the manufacturers team from Holland coming along, and I will be at the top of one mast, and one of their engineers will be at the top of another mast. They will have a groundsman who will be positioning boards on the pitch. He has 336 positions on which to hold a board, and each LED will be laser-guided.”

Listen to all of this fascinating interview on iFollow Mariners. 


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