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GTFC Face Masks Available For Pre-Order

Grimsby Town Football Club branded face masks are now available to pre-order. We will have 3 different designs available for supporters to purchase, all available for £4.99 via our online club shop.

Profits raised from the sale of our branded face masks will be donated between two fantastic causes, The Rock Foundation, Grimsby & St Andrew’s Hospice.

The current global pandemic has been incredibly difficult for a number of individuals who may have seen significant changes to their own personal circumstances as a consequence. You can find out more about the work carried out by The Rock Foundation over on their website.

Our second chosen recipient, St Andrew’s Hospice have long been a charitable organisation close to the hearts of those at Grimsby Town Football Club. Their fantastic work helps cater people of all ages and offer care in a range of settings, from overnight stays and respite to out-patient visits. You can find out more about St Andrew’s Hospice and the fantastic work they do on a daily basis over on their website.

You can pre-order your Grimsby Town Football Club branded facemasks by clicking HERE. We are hoping to receive the face masks towards the end of June. In this difficult time for everybody, we urge supporters to continue following Government & NHS guidelines at all times.


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