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GTFC & GTSET Support With Delivery Of NHS Donation

Members of the Grimsby Town Football Club first team, as well as staff from the Grimsby Town Sport & Education Trust (GTSET) were on hand this afternoon at Diana Princess of Wales Hospital to assist with the delivery of a large donation.

His Church Charity, in association with GTSET have this afternoon made a large donation of refreshments and fresh fruits to staff members at Diana Princess of Wales Hospital, in conjunction with the Health Tree Foundation. First team & Academy graduates, Max Wright & Harry Clifton were also on hand to assist with the delivery and distribution of the donation.

The Health Tree Foundation charity works in partnership with the Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust. They rely on public support and donations to help provide acute hospital and community services to a population of over 400,000 people across North and North East Lincolnshire and the East Riding of Yorkshire.

His Church Charity and Grimsby Town Sport & Education Trust have worked together in the past and have again linked up to try to bring support to those in need. His Church is a Registered Charity who specialise in providing robustly secure, ethical and sustainable, creative charitable solutions for surplus stock which we redistribute to help vulnerable people at home and abroad. They work with all major supermarkets and a large range of manufacturers in the UK and support over 3,000 Charitable organisations in the UK alone including food banks, homeless outreaches, organisations supporting victims of domestic violence, social services, schools, children’s charities and football club foundations/community trusts.

You can find out more about the work that His Church carry out on their official Virgin Money Giving page or on their official Twitter page.

During this difficult time for us all, we remind you all to continue following Government and NHS guidelines, as well as a reminder to stay home, protect the NHS & save lives.


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