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Happy Birthday NHS

The 5 July 2020, which is the birthday of our NHS, is about saying thank you to everyone without whom the NHS wouldn’t have been able to respond to coronavirus.

GTFC & GTSET Support With Delivery Of NHS Donation

The 5 July will be a moment for everyone to reflect on everything our communities have recently endured, stand in solidarity to mourn our losses, and thank those who are risking so much to keep us safe. Thanking everyone from truck drivers and cleaners to doctors and shelf stackers, all of the key workers who have kept us going. It will also be a thank you to our neighbours, the ones who did the shopping, got the prescriptions, kept an eye on each other or simply did their best to stay home and save lives. This day will be the start of the campaign for a kinder, closer and more connected country.

Throughout the pandemic, members of the Grimsby Town Sports & Education Trust and Grimsby Town Football Club have assisted in the community, from large donations of refreshments to the local NHS trust, to continuous education and workbooks being made available for those youngsters who have been unable to attend school.

Staff at every level of our NHS have gone above and beyond in recent months to care for our friends, families and loved ones, as well as each other. For the #NHSBirthday — find out how you could make a difference to the lives of others. You can join them!

At 5pm this evening, join the nation for a country-wide round of applause for all those who have helped keep us safe, keep food on the shelves and ensured we remain as safe and close to normality as possible during the incredibly difficult time for all.


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