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James McKeown Testimonial Tickets

Town’s number one is the first player to be granted a testimonial for 10 years’ service since 2006, when the honour was awarded to another ‘Macca’, John McDermott.

The Miller’s game will be the only pre-season game at Blundell Park for the Mariners and the first at home under the club’s new owners.

Tickets are prices for the game are as follows:

• Adult £10.00
• 65 & Over £5.00
• 75 & Over £5.00
• Ancient Mariner 85+ £5.00
• 18-22 Years £5.00
• 12-17 Years Unaccompanied £5.00
• 3-17 Years Accompanied £5.00
• Under 3 £0.00

Tickets will also be available on the day of the game or can be purchase online here.



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