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Mariners Trust: Update

Never in our proud history have the club faced such a challenging time and if ever the club needed the help of the fans it is now. Many fans have already shown their willingness to help by indicating that they are willing to let the club keep season ticket refunds due for the games that did not take place.

We have also had approaches by fans asking about helping the club through buying shares. As a consequence, we are launching a campaign to encourage fans to buy shares if they are able and well-known town fan Pete Blendell from the Wellington Arms has got the ball rolling and has already recruited two friends to buy £100 worth of shares each. Pete is going to help promote this and so if you know him to expect a call !! Just to clarify this isn’t a new share issue by the club, shares have always been available to buy but we know from speaking to people and looking at comments that a lot of people don’t realise that and don’t know how to go about purchasing. The purpose of this campaign is to raise awareness and also to make the purchasing process as clear and easy as possible.

With your shares, you will get a certificate which will commemorate to the contribution you have made to “Net a share of the Mariners” during these unprecedented times. Also, those buying £200 or more shares up until July 31st will get a free framing service which normally costs £25.

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