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Meet The Commentators Night

A ‘Meet The Commentators Night’ hosted by the Mariners Trust will take place on Friday 21st June at McMenemy’s, Blundell Park.

The event will feature familiar voices from Radio Humberside’s past and present including John Tondeur, Matt Dean, Dave Burns, Gary Coft and John Moore from the Club’s long-standing gantry video team.

Compered by Mariners TV presenter Scott Woodthorpe, the evening will include what’s sure to be an entertaining Q&A session with the commentators, video footage of some of Town’s memorable moments, and auction and a raffle.

The price of a ticket is £18 for Mariners Trust members and £20 for non-members and this includes a pie and peas supper.

All proceeds from the night will go towards the cost of improvements being made to the Mariners Trust bar and toilet facilities.

Tickets are now available via the Mariners Trust website, the Club’s ticket portal via this link or at the Ticket Office at Blundell Park.

Please note that the doors open at 7pm ready for a 7:30pm start.



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