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Meet The Quartet Who Have Been Offered Pro Deals

As we announced on iFollow Mariners on Tuesday, four players who have been offered professional deals by the club.

Speaking on iFollow Mariners, Youth team coach Neil Woods gave us the low-down on the quartet.

starbuc1k.png“Joe Starbuck has done it the really hard way.

“He stayed on to do his A-levels, but the school supported him tremendously with his commitments here.

“He is a really good athlete. Some fans may have seen him play against Scunthorpe in an EFL Trophy game last season.

“He can play right-back, centre midfield or wide right. He is a very intelligent footballer and a very intelligent lad.

“I think he has a good chance of progressing over the next year to get on the fringes of the first team.

Duncan Idehen is a centre-half we took from Lincoln in his second year. He is very quick, very athletic.

“He has come out of himself a lot in the last year and developed into a very competent player.

“He is a left-footed centre-half, a good listener and a good learner.

“Training with the first team will allow him to understand the physicality needed.

“I think he can be an asset for the club in the future.

hope1.png“Joey Hope, a left back, had a very difficult first year. He had a knee operation after damaging it playing as an under-16 in the under-18s.

“He had an operation and missed all pre-season in his first year. He came back and three days in did exactly the same injury on the other knee.

“He came back again, worked really hard and took a bit of getting going which we all understood.

“He has a very comfortable left foot and has beautiful delivery of the ball. He’s a good character.

“Cameron Painter can play central midfield or right-back.

“He’s a bit of a throwback with 100 per cent commitment, attitude and desire.

Cameron’s the one who came out of the pack a bit. His attitude and endeavour to succeed has been terrific.

“He is one who forces his way in because of the way he is – he is never going to shirk anything and never going to go missing.

“For attitude, you will never find a lad who has got one better.”


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