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Online Ticketing Review

Following the issues many supporters faced when trying to purchase tickets for the Harrogate Town game online, we have conducted an internal review into the efficiency of our online ticketing system.

We empathise with anyone who tried to buy a ticket on Monday and was left feeling frustrated. Due to the time of the day that the online tickets were launched, we didn’t move fast enough to identify the issue, nor communicate appropriately with the fans who were left waiting in a queue. Therefore, we have taken steps to avoid this kind of situation happening again.

If any future online ticket issues arise, we will remove the affected game from our online platform until it has been resolved. We will then communicate via our website and social media a revised time when the tickets will be re-released to give supporters a fairer chance of securing the tickets.

Also, we will be moving all future online launches to 9am, to ensure we have the resources available to respond quickly to any issues and update our supporters accordingly.

In addition, we want to inform fans that we are currently conducting a review of our technical and digital capabilities. This review will continue into the New Year, and we will advise of any changes to supporters in due course.

Thank you for your continued support.



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