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Submit your questions for the Fans’ Forum

Ahead of our Fans’ Forum later this month, we are pleased to present supporters with the means to submit their questions ahead of the event.

The Forum, set to be held on Friday 24th November in McMenemy’s and broadcast live on BBC Radio Humberside, will feature pre-submitted questions as well as those taken from ticket holders joining us at Blundell Park on the night.

The panel will consist of Chair Jason Stockwood, Vice-Chair Andrew Pettit, CEO Debbie Cook with the representatives of our First Team coaching setup to be confirmed closer to the time.

Supporters can submit their questions online through the form HERE.

Please be aware that the Fans’ Forum will not be streamed live with sole live coverage provided through BBC Radio Humberside but a full video filming of the event will be available on our YouTube channel at some stage over the following weekend.

Tickets for the Fans’ Forum are available now, priced at £5 with a free drink included. These can be bought HERE.

After the success of our previous Fans’ Forum in the spring, we are looking forward to another well-attended event where we get to answer your questions!



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