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Club Shop And Mariners Trust Procedure For This Weekend

We can’t wait to welcome you back to Blundell Park this weekend!

This weekend, the Grimsby Town club shop will be launching our new 2020/21 kits and will be hosting a large club shop sale within the Mariners Trust bar. Both will be open from 10 am until 3 pm on Saturday 1st August & 10 am until 2 pm on Sunday 2nd August. You can pre-order your 2020/21 kit online as well as browse our wide range of stock via our online club shop. Please note that pre-orders made after midday today may not be available for collection until Sunday.

Below, we have outlined the procedures that will be in place to adhere to current guidelines. Unfortunately, due to the current guidelines, items of clothing can not be tried on however, our returns and refund policies remain unchanged.

Club Shop

The Grimsby Town Club Shop will be opening for those wishing to purchase items from our new 2020/21 kit launch, as well as other items that are not on sale. A one-way system will be in place, with entry to the club shop being via the main club shop entrance and exit via the ticket office exit door. A maximum of 4 customers will be allowed in the store at any one time.

Supporters will be asked to queue towards the Pontoon Stand, with social distancing markers being laid out on the floor. There will be a sanitizing station located outside the entrance, where supporters will be expected to make use of these items before entry. Under current guidelines, face coverings MUST be worn in-store. We also actively encourage those who wish to make a purchase use contactless or pay via card where possible.

Printing facilities will be available however, there may be delays and you may be asked to return to collect. In this instance, your name and contact number will be taken and you will be given an estimated time for collection at the time of purchase. Please note that squad numbers have yet to be allocated.

Mariners Trust Bar

Volunteers from the Mariners Trust will be located in the Mariners Trust bar for those who have pre-ordered items online for collection and for those wishing to browse our large range of sale items. Those wishing to make purchases are encouraged to use card or contactless where possible.

Queueing for the Mariners Trust bar will be across the front of the Young’s Stand, with social distancing markers laid out on the floor for convenience. Hand sanitizing facilities will be available at the entrance. Once again, in line with current Government guidelines, those wishing to enter and browse must wear a face covering at all times whilst indoors. Like the club shop, a one-way system will be in place, with entrance via the car park side main door and exit into the Constitutional Avenue open corner. Refreshments will be available in the open corner, as well as a Mariners Trust stall, where supporters can pick up share application forms, enter competitions and also purchase the new 1979-80 Champions Book.

We anticipate that the busiest period for both stores will be between 10 am and midday on both days. To assist, the Mariners Trust bar will be open every day next week for collections and to browse sale items between 10 am and 1 pm, as well as Thursday evening between 4 pm and 6 pm.

We kindly ask our supporters to be patient whilst queueing, maintain social distancing, make use of our hand sanitizing facilities and we look forward to welcoming you back to Blundell Park!


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