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Grimsby Town Sports and Education Trust Obtain ‘Heritage Starter’ Funding

Grimsby Town Sports and Education Trust (GTSET) is delighted to confirm success in obtaining funding from North East Lincolnshire’s National Lottery ‘Heritage Starter’ fund.

The project will see a reminiscence hub open in Flottergate, Freshney Place on Friday 10th December 2021 at 9am – for the period of December 2021 to March 2022. Items from Grimsby Town Football Club’s history, such as shirts, footballs, programmes and other memorabilia  will be on display.  The hub will also have a TV showing clips and highlights which will be a great way for visitors to have a chat and reminisce about the heritage of GTFC.

Graham Rodger, CEO of GTSET said “We are delighted to have been successful with our application for funding from the Heritage Starter secured by North East Lincolnshire Council  from the National Lottery.  This will enable us to pilot a small project in the town centre, focussing on the heritage of the Mariners.  We have no doubt that the hub will attract many fans and those who have family members who are supporters of the club.  Without a doubt, this project would not have been possible without this funding and the great support that Grimsby Town Football Club itself has shown by supporting the application and offering lots of items to be displayed, many for the first time to the general public”.

Kristine Green, Chair of the Mariners Trust added “This project is great news – I know from facilitating a Sporting Memories session at Blundell Park what the power of reminisce has, so to have a project on a larger scale is just brilliant.  It will also be a chance for young people to take an interest in heritage, when otherwise they would not consider it as something of interest to them. It will also be great to see grandparents talking to grandchildren about Grimsby Town back when they were their age”.

Opening hours for the hub in December will be the same as the shopping centre, before reducing slightly January to March. The unit will close at 1pm on a Saturday when the Mariners have a home game.

Want to get involved and able to offer some time to volunteer at the hub? – either as a keen Grimsby Town fan happy to talk to visitors or to gain some experience?  Have either an individual item or collection of Grimsby Town items that you’d like to display?  Please do get in touch by dropping an email to [email protected] or dropping into the Club and leaving details. We are looking to facilitate as many requests as possible.


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