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GTFC Players Supporting Local Food Bank

Grimsby Town Football Club first team members have donated money to local food bank, the Rock Foundation.

Led by members of the first team, Grimsby Town Football Club have donated £1,000 to The Rock Foundation, in order to help support them during the difficult and uncertain period faced by many as a result of the Coronavirus.

We spoke to CEO of the Rock Foundation, Pam Hodge who discussed the donation and its importance. “At this time of unprecedented national crisis, the need to pull together as a community to help each other through has never been greater”, said Hodge. “We are so grateful for the Mariners pulling together with us in this way, as we seek to serve some of the neediest people in our community”.

Club captain, James McKeown also spoke to us about the decision and why The Rock Foundation was chosen. “We are really pleased to give something back locally”, said McKeown. “We feel that given the current situation, it’s very easy to focus on looking after yourself and your own family, but ultimately, I think we have a responsibility to try and give something back.

“Billy Clarke first suggested the idea and every single one of the lads backed it, which is a testament to the group as individuals and humans. We are all giving up things and I am sure everyone is missing football, but at times like these, when you really need to support each other, like the football club will need support moving forward, so as players in our own communities and especially in the Grimsby community, any form of support we can give, from video messages to food deliveries and donations, can go a long way at the moment.

The Rock Foundation is a front-line charitable organisation that has created new and unique provision for young people and adults with learning disabilities and those who are disadvantaged. Through a wide variety of practical workshops and supported work placements, they aim to help our service users develop life and employment skills, to increase their self-esteem and independence, and ultimately improve their quality of life.

You can find out more about the Rock Foundation by visiting their official website or via their Twitter & Facebook pages.

Great work, lads!


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