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New Memorial Garden At Blundell Park

We are pleased to announce the opening of a new Memorial Garden outside Blundell Park.

Speaking about the move, stadium manager, Nick Dale said: “For a long time there has been a need for supporters to have an area where they can remember their loved ones, and we thought that it was incredibly important that, especially given the current status of a new stadium, we put something in place for our supporters to sit, reflect, and perhaps remember anybody that they have lost.

“Blundell Park has been the second home for many members of the Mariners’ family, and a place for them all to be remembered for the good times they have shared with the team, the players, their friends and relations, where people will feel close to a large part of their life.”

We would like to thank Grimsby Garden Centre and NAViGO for their help with this project.

The Memorial Garden is situated off Constitutional Avenue.


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