Vacancy – Media Officer

We have an exciting vacancy for a new Media Officer at Grimsby Town Football Club.

We are looking for someone with experience working in the football industry and a proven track record for creating engaging digital media content to join our Marketing & Communications team at Blundell Park.

The right candidate will generate news stories from across the whole Club, lead in the creation of content for all our existing digital channels and manage day-to-day media enquiries.

Due to the industry, a flexible approach to work is also essential, as a key part of this role includes weekend work covering Men’s First Team fixtures.

To find out more about the role, view our job information pack, or apply by clicking here.  

The closing date for applications will be midnight on Sunday 29th September with interviews scheduled to take place the following week.

We look forward to welcoming applications from people who are really want to create great content for Grimsby Town Football Club and help to keep supporters informed.



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